The Ask: Create communication assets to help new moms identify and cope with the metal health challenges they may be experiencing after giving birth.

The Insight: Women are more comfortable seeking help for physical symptoms of postpartum than with mental health symptoms. Physical symptoms are easier to describe and share with others, including their OBGYN. Conversely, mental health issues are not only more difficult to describe and deal with internally but come with stigma. Consequently, they are afraid of being judged, being considered weak, being thought of as a bad mom if they raise concerns to their families, and/or their physician.

Idea: There are many symptoms of Postpartum mental illness, physical and mental, and women, many times, believe they are the only one who are suffering. This idea communicates to women there are many other women who are struggling.

Creative Director/Copywriter - Frank Ippolito
Art Director/Designs - Claudia Santana


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